In cooperation with local architect Marleen Inia of INIA Interior Design and allard architecture was asked to participate in a competition for Total E&P Congo with the intention of constructing the Diosso Ma’ Loango Museum in Congo. The main goal was to attract a diverse range of visitors. The museum expands on the existing collection of protected items in Congo, focusing attention to the regional craftsmanship. It would also provide a healthy working environment for women, while also having a series of selected viewing platforms.The woven tapi is made with the metier aticer, and can still be utilized to this day by trained individuals. By hanging the tapis along the facades of the building, the community can proudly exhibit their work and cultural roots. The viewing platforms provide bird eye views into a proposed four quadrant garden. Here, many school children can learn about the regional flowers and agricultural vegetation of Congo. Each quadrant explains a different type of vegetation. The platforms on the roof of the museum are connected by a series of stairs, from which people can stargaze and interact with a system of photovoltaic cells that generate electricity for the museum and several neighbouring houses.
Project Partners
designer: allard architecture
collaborators: INIA- Interior Design & Architecture